Admitting Procedure

Inpatient and Same Day Surgery

General Information

The hospital will call you after 2 p.m. the day before your scheduled admission to give you the time to report to the Admitting Office. You will enter Saint Vincent Hospital on Level 3 of the hospital. Central Registration, as well as your room will be on this same level. You may enter from either the North or South entrance. Registration is located across from the waterfall in the atrium Level 3.

  • If your admission is scheduled for a Monday, a hospital representative will call after 2 p.m. on the previous Friday.
  • If your admission is scheduled for the day after a holiday, a hospital representative will call you on the last working day before the holiday.
  • If you have not received a call by 5 p.m. (or if you have a question about your admission time), please call: (508) 363-9371 or, you can log on to the hospital web site at:

Food Before Surgery

  • You may not eat or drink anything after midnight prior to your surgery. You may take your medication as prescribed by your physician with sips of water. Check with your doctor regarding which medications you should and should not take on the morning of surgery.

Before you come to the Hospital

  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing
    • If you are having shoulder surgery, a t-shirt or sweatshirt a size larger than normal will be most comfortable. As an alternative, a button down shift can also be utilized. Your sling will be worn outside your clothing.
    • If you are having knee surgery, sweatpants or loose pants will be most comfortable as a bulky bandage will be applied after surgery.
  • Leave all valuables at home, including rings and jewelry
  • No makeup or perfume
  • No contact lenses
  • If you use a CPAP machine, please bring it with you.
  • Arrange transportation for when you are discharged. You will NOT be allowed to drive after surgery.
  • Leave all medications at home. Bring a list of all medications you are currently taking to the hospital and to your appointment with the anesthesiologist.
  • Do NOT take any Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Advil, Aleve, Motrin, or anti-inflammatory medications for 7 days prior to your surgery. Non-aspirin medication, such as Tylenol is permitted.
  • Blood thinning medications, such as Coumadin, or Warfarin are usually stopped several days before surgery. If you are on a blood thinner medication, please be sure to discuss this with your physician for instructions on stopping it prior to surgery. Do Not Stop taking this medication without discussing first with your physician.
  • If you have had “heart valve surgery”, “stents” , “pacemaker”, or any type of “replacement” surgery, please inform your surgeon prior to the procedure.
  • We participate in the “Sign Your Operative Site” program developed by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. Dr. Desio will personally place his initials on your operative site to confirm the site of surgery before you enter the operating room. Your operating room nurse and your anesthesiologist will also ask you to identify the operative extremity.
  • Practice your postoperative exercises before your surgery, so you will be familiar with them.
  • Should you catch a cold or get an infection of any kind, call your primary care physician, as well as Dr. Desio immediately. If you get a cut, scratch, sunburn, bug bite, or any damaged skin on, or near the area to be operated on, Call Dr. Desio immediately. Injured skin may increase the risk of infection and your surgery may be cancelled.


  • If you would like Dr. Desio to speak with a relative or friend after the surgery, the nurse will take a phone number for him to call once the surgery is done.
  • Plan on at least one hour in the Recovery Room following surgery.
  • If you have a history of Sleep Apnea, Recovery Room time and monitoring can be 3 hours or more.

Prescription Pain Medications 

  • Do not take on an empty stomach, may cause nausea, and/or vomiting.
  • May cause drowsiness or unsteady gait. Please have someone with you for the first 24 hours after discharge.
  • You may switch to an over the counter medication when the stronger narcotic is no longer necessary.
  • You may need to use a stool softener 1-2 times daily. To help prevent constipation, increase fruits, fiber, vegetables, and liquids. This will also be discussed with you prior to your discharge. Be sure to ambulate at least every 2 hours unless otherwise noted. Walking will help stimulate the bowels and reduce the risk of constipation.
  • No driving or operating heavy equipment while taking narcotics.
  • Do not use alcohol while taking narcotics
  • Pain medications may contain acetaminophen (Tylenol). Do not take additional Tylenol unless approved by your surgeon.


  • The hospital nurse will review all discharge instructions with you before departure.
  • You will not be permitted to drive home
  • Your prescriptions may be filled at the hospital, or you may fill them at a pharmacy near your home.
  • You will be give reminder cards for your postop visit, as well as your first physical therapy visit.
  • Before you leave the hospital, you will be given complete postoperative instructions.

Important Phone Numbers

Main Hospital: (508) 363-5000
Toll Free: (877) 633-2368

If you have any questions, please call: Stephen M. Desio, M.D.
Office: (508) 363-6363

More Information

My Shoulders Are Letting Me Down

We rely on our shoulders for countless tasks. It can be problematic when they don’t function at our best and can make ordinary tasks a challenge. Finding a cause behind unstable shoulders can help bring pain relief and peace of mind. Here are some reasons behind your shoulder pain and what you can do to treat it.

What Causes Shoulder Instability?

Your shoulders play a pivotal role in how you go about your daily life. Unstable shoulders can frequently come out of place, making everyday activities difficult. 

One cause of shoulder instability is severe trauma to the shoulder. An injury such as a dislocation causes the head of your shoulder to dislocate from the socket. The initial shoulder dislocation can result in repeated dislocations and further instability.

Genetics may be another cause of shoulder instability. Some people are born with naturally loose shoulder ligaments. Excessively loose shoulder ligaments called Hyperlaxity can cause shoulder instability. This can occur without prior dislocations or a history of strains. Hyperlaxity can increase the chances of dislocating your shoulder or weakening the joint.

Symptoms of Shoulder Instability

Several symptoms characterize shoulder instability. Shoulder instability symptoms include

  • A loose feeling in the shoulder
  • The shoulder giving out
  • Repeated shoulder dislocations
  • Pain

How is Shoulder Instability Diagnosed?

Professional examination is how shoulder instability is diagnosed. 

If you’re having shoulder trouble, your doctor can order imaging tests to find the cause. One tool to find the cause of your shoulder pain is an x-ray. The x-ray helps doctors to take a thorough look at the bones around your shoulder joint and examine them for signs of injury. Your doctor may also order an MRI for further examination. An MRI provides a detailed image of the tissues around your shoulder and helps find damage to the ligaments and tendons in the joint.

How Are Unstable Shoulders Treated?

Your treatment plan depends on the nature and severity of your symptoms. First, you may need to avoid activities that worsen your symptoms. If you can’t stay away from pain-inducing activities, modifying your movements may help give you some relief. Also, anti-inflammatory pain medications and physical therapy can help.

If your shoulder problems need more aggressive treatment, our office can help. Schedule a consultation by calling (508) 363-6363.