
A concussion is a common type of brain injury most often caused by a direct blow to the head or sudden head movement that causes temporary brain malfunction. When the head is hit unexpectedly, the brain can move and hit the skull, affecting memory, judgment, reflexes, speech, balance and coordination. A concussion may also be caused by a sports related injury, a motor vehicle accident or from being violently shaken. Most concussions are considered mild injuries, and people usually fully recover from this condition.

Symptoms of a Concussion

Patients with a concussion may experience symptoms that last for days or even weeks that may include:

  • Confusion
  • Dizziness
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Slurred speech
  • Headache
  • Sensitivity to light

Some people may not even be aware that they have a concussion, or may not develop symptoms until several hours or days after the injury. A concussion may lead to bleeding in the brain, which can be a serious and fatal condition. It is extremely important to seek medical attention if a concussion is suspected after an injury.

Diagnosis of a Concussion

A physical examination and review of all symptoms may assist a doctor in diagnosing a concussion. A neurological evaluation is performed to check vision, hearing, balance, coordination and reflexes. Cognitive testing may also be performed to evaluate memory and concentration. Additional diagnostic tests of brain function may include:

  • MRI scan
  • CT scan

After a concussion, doctors may be concerned with the severity of the condition and if any internal bleeding or swelling has occurred.

Treatment of a Concussion

The most common treatment for a concussion is rest. Patients may be advised to refrain from sports or physical activity for one to two weeks after the concussion. The exact amount of time is determined by the physician. Headaches related to a concussion may be treated with acetaminophen. It is important that patients have fully recovered before resuming sports and other physical activity, as they are at a higher risk of developing a second concussion.

The risk of a concussion may be reduced by practicing safety at all times, including wearing a seat belt in the car, wearing a helmet during certain activities, and using appropriate protective gear when participating in sports.

NCAA Concussion Diagnosis and Management Best Practices

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My Shoulders Are Letting Me Down

We rely on our shoulders for countless tasks. It can be problematic when they don’t function at our best and can make ordinary tasks a challenge. Finding a cause behind unstable shoulders can help bring pain relief and peace of mind. Here are some reasons behind your shoulder pain and what you can do to treat it.

What Causes Shoulder Instability?

Your shoulders play a pivotal role in how you go about your daily life. Unstable shoulders can frequently come out of place, making everyday activities difficult. 

One cause of shoulder instability is severe trauma to the shoulder. An injury such as a dislocation causes the head of your shoulder to dislocate from the socket. The initial shoulder dislocation can result in repeated dislocations and further instability.

Genetics may be another cause of shoulder instability. Some people are born with naturally loose shoulder ligaments. Excessively loose shoulder ligaments called Hyperlaxity can cause shoulder instability. This can occur without prior dislocations or a history of strains. Hyperlaxity can increase the chances of dislocating your shoulder or weakening the joint.

Symptoms of Shoulder Instability

Several symptoms characterize shoulder instability. Shoulder instability symptoms include

  • A loose feeling in the shoulder
  • The shoulder giving out
  • Repeated shoulder dislocations
  • Pain

How is Shoulder Instability Diagnosed?

Professional examination is how shoulder instability is diagnosed. 

If you’re having shoulder trouble, your doctor can order imaging tests to find the cause. One tool to find the cause of your shoulder pain is an x-ray. The x-ray helps doctors to take a thorough look at the bones around your shoulder joint and examine them for signs of injury. Your doctor may also order an MRI for further examination. An MRI provides a detailed image of the tissues around your shoulder and helps find damage to the ligaments and tendons in the joint.

How Are Unstable Shoulders Treated?

Your treatment plan depends on the nature and severity of your symptoms. First, you may need to avoid activities that worsen your symptoms. If you can’t stay away from pain-inducing activities, modifying your movements may help give you some relief. Also, anti-inflammatory pain medications and physical therapy can help.

If your shoulder problems need more aggressive treatment, our office can help. Schedule a consultation by calling (508) 363-6363.