Bicep Tenodesis

Biceps Tenodesis is a surgical procedure that is typically used to treat injuries to the biceps tendon in the shoulder. These injuries may occur due to an unstable or dislocating tendon, tendonitis, or tears in the tendon itself. The biceps is a major pain generator in the shoulder.

There are two main parts to the biceps tendon, the long head and the short head of the biceps. The long head is the portion that resides within the shoulder joint and is usually the one involved in shoulder issues. A tendon is the flexible cord of tissue that connects muscles to bones. Tendon problems may occur anywhere in the body, but are more common in certain joints including the shoulder because of its wide range of motion.

Candidates for Tenodesis

Patients may be considered for tenodesis surgery if they have been experiencing considerable pain and weakness in the shoulder due to a biceps tendon injury. This is often determined by a medical history, physical examination and imaging tests such as an X-ray or MRI scan of the joint. In addition, an arthroscopic evaluation of the joint may be necessary. A tenodesis procedure can be performed on patients of any age if they are experiencing biceps pain that has not responded to nonsurgical management.

The Tenodesis Procedure

Tenodesis is performed as an outpatient procedure that takes between 60 and 90 minutes to complete. After general anesthesia has been administered, the tenodesis procedure begins with the surgeon accessing the joint in the shoulder area. It is often performed arthroscopically, using a minimally invasive technique that involves making several small incisions into which a fiber-optic device and tiny surgical instruments are inserted, offering patients the benefits of less tissue damage and shorter recovery periods.

The surgeon removes damaged tissue around the biceps tendon and detaches the tendon from its connection with the labrum. Any bone or cartilage fragments or bone spurs found that may irritate the tendon will be removed. The tendon is then attached to the humerus bone near the shoulder joint using anchors and strong sutures to hold it in position. This serves to decrease the stress placed on both the tendon and the labrum.

Recovery from Tenodesis

No hospital stay is generally required following a tenodesis procedure. Patients will need to wear a sling for several weeks after the surgery to provide support and protection for the healing shoulder joint. Physical therapy aids the recovery process as it helps to strengthen and restore function to the shoulder. Most patients can return to work in sedentary jobs after a few days, but it usually takes three to six months before more strenuous activities may be permitted.

Risks of Tenodesis

Tenodesis is considered a safe procedure, however, all forms of surgery may carry some risk. The risks typically associated with tenodesis may include:

  • Infection
  • Blood clot
  • Damage to a nerve or blood vessel
  • Bleeding
  • Biceps tendon tearing

In some cases, individuals may continue to experience pain, stiffness, muscle weakness and numbness in the affected arm and shoulder.

More Information

I’ve Torn My ACL, Now What?

A torn ACL is a diagnosis that no one wants to have. Studies estimate that between 100,000 and 200,00 people suffer the injury each year. A torn ACL can be particularly troublesome for athletes whose livelihoods often depend on their ability to play. Whether you’re an athlete or not, your priority is to get back in action after you’ve torn your ACL.

Before you get concerned about your recovery, it’s crucial to understand the nature of your injury, your treatment options, and how to have confidence in your knee stability.

How Is a Torn ACL Diagnosed?

If you’re in the midst of activity and you hear or feel a sudden ‘pop’ in your knee, it’s time to see the doctor. During your exam, your doctor will compare the differences in your knees and check swelling, tenderness, and range of motion. Your doctor may call for an x-ray, MRI, or ultrasound to officially confirm the diagnosis.

How a Torn ACL Can Happen

There are many ways to tear your ACL. Any sport or fitness activity that involves sudden stopping, starting, and cutting movements puts you at greater risk.

These include:

  • Soccer
  • Football
  • Basketball
  • Skiing

It can also happen if you take a direct hit to your knee, land awkwardly, or try to pivot if your foot is planted firmly in the ground.

Treating a Torn ACL

Recovering from an ACL tear can be done with or without surgery. However, it depends on the severity of your case and age. 

If you want to take your time, you can opt for a conservative approach to your recovery. Non-surgical options involve wearing a brace and undergoing physical therapy to strengthen and stabilize your knee. 

On the other hand, athletes may have to take more aggressive steps to get back in action as quickly as possible. Reconstructive surgery and physical therapy are primary tools in the recovery process.

The recovery time varies. Typical torn ACL recovery can last between 6 to 12 months, but it can take up to two years to get the knee back to full strength.

Trusting Your Knee Again

Surgery and physical therapy treat the tangible aspects of a torn ACL. However, regaining trust in the stability of your knee is a psychological battle and takes time to overcome. 

Putting your knee to the test after injuring your ACL can be nerve-racking. Following your doctor’s advice and not pushing yourself too hard are a solid foundation for regaining trust in your knee.

Do you have questions about an ACL injury? 

Schedule a consultation with us today by calling (508) 363-6363.