Knee Arthroscopy Surgery
Stephen, M. Desio, M.D.
- You may walk immediately and place as much pressure on your leg as you feel comfortable with. You will not damage the operation with some light walking, as long as you respect pain and stop if pain or swelling increase.
- Bending your knee helps the circulation, reduces stiffness, nourishes the knee joint, and improves motion of your knee. Try to limit excessive activity to help reduce the pain and swelling faster. Moderation is the key to successful healing.
- The crutches are to be used for comfort only. You may walk without them as soon as you feel comfortable. Most patients will use them for one to three days.
- You may remove your bandage and take a shower with your stitches 2 days after surgery. You may get the stitches wet. It is normal to see some minor spotting on the bandage for two days after surgery. Place Band-Aids over the incisions, and change them daily. Do not soak incisions in water. No swimming or bath for 7 days after surgery.
- When resting, keep your leg elevated. Your foot should be higher than your heart to help reduce the swelling faster. Usually, all swelling is gone by four weeks after the surgery.
- To reduce swelling and help with pain, apply a bag of ice wrapped in a towel to the front part of your knee. You may leave it in place for up to twenty minutes, then remove for twenty minutes. A bag of frozen vegetables also works well and can be refrozen and then reused. Heat is to be avoided as it will increase swelling and pain.
- A prescription will be given for pain medication. If you feel it is too strong or you do not need it, Tylenol, Advil, Ibuprofen, or Aleve may be used instead, as long as you are not allergic to these medications.
- Contact the office if you have any redness or excessive drainage at the incision sites.
If you have any questions, please call: Stephen M. Desio, M.D.
Office: (508) 363-6363.
Exercises to begin the evening of surgery
Regular exercise to restore your knee mobility and strength is necessary. For the most part this can be carried out at home. Your orthopaedic surgeon may recommend that you exercise approximately 20 to 30 minutes two or three times a day. You also may be advised to engage in a walking program. Your orthopaedist may suggest some of the following exercises. The following guide can help you better understand your exercise or activity program that may be supervised by a therapist at the direction of your orthopaedic surgeon. As you increase the intensity of your exercise program, you may experience temporary set-backs. If your knee swells or hurts after a particular exercise activity, you should lessen or stop the activity until you feel better. You should Rest, Ice, Compress (with an elastic bandage), and Elevate your knee (R.I.C.E.). Contact Dr. Desio if the symptoms persist.
Hamstring Contraction, 10 Repetitions - No movement should occur in this exercise. Lie or sit with your knees bent to about 10 degrees. Pull your heel into the floor, tightening the muscles on the back of your thigh. Hold 5 seconds, then relax.Repeat 10 times.
Quadriceps Contraction, 10 Repetitions - Lie on stomach with a towel roll under the ankle of your operated knee. Push ankle down into the towel roll. Your leg should straighten as much as possible. Hold for 5 seconds. Relax. Repeat 10 times.
Straight Leg Raises, 10 Repetitions - Lie on your back, with uninvolved knee bent, straighten your involved knee. Slowly lift about 6 inches and hold for 5 seconds. Continue lifting in 6-inch increments, hold each time. Reverse the procedure, and return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times. Advanced: Before starting, add weights to your ankle, starting with 1 pound of weight and building up to a maximum of 5 pounds of weight over 4 weeks.
Straight Leg Raises, Standing, 10 Repetitions - Support yourself, if necessary, and slowly lift your leg forward keeping your knee straight. Return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times Advanced: Before starting, add weights to your ankle, starting with 1 pound of weight and building up to a maximum of 5 pounds of weight over 4 weeks.